Glenn Savona police mugshot parody

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Ethics Violation by Tom Lloyd? Conspiracy?

Petition of Melody Thomas-Morgan BodineUPDATE: January 29, 2013. We thought Glenn Savona was the City Prosecutor named by Melody Thomas-Morgan. Turns out it is Prescott City Attorney Thomas Lloyd.

If you visit our other blog, That Woman Jezebel, you will see our blogger was just served an Injunction Against Harassment. For that blog!

As pointed out there, but detailed here, one Miss Thomas-Morgan writes that she was advised by the Prescott Police Department AND the Prescott City Prosecutor that she seek an Injunction. Our blogger has since contacted Mr. Thomas Lloyd, Attorney for the City of Prescott, who admits he met with Miss Thomas-Morgan. (Our blogger also contacted Mr Gene Neil, who was Mr. Lloyd's supervisor. Mr. Neil refused to supervise Mr. Lloyd.)

Now, aside from a violation of ethics (try asking an Assistant Attorney General for advice - they will always tell you that state law prevents them from giving legal advice), isn't this beginning to sound like a conspiracy to deprive our Christian blogger his civil rights?

As you can see from this particular blog, our blogger is suing the Prescott City Prosecutor Glenn Savona for cheating and malicious prosecution. (Apparently a favor to Miss Thomas-Morgan.) At about the time Miss Thomas-Morgan originally sough her second petition against our blogger, the Prescott Police had just settled a civil right lawsuit, where the cops illegally did a favor for Miss Thomas-Morgan for her first Injunction against our man.

You can't make this stuff up.

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